Thursday, January 29

Coming Soon: Banners That Get Bigger When You Touch Them

Kudos to Facebook. My 2009 Predictions completely missed their newest evolution of online advertising offerings:

Polling Banners

Geezus. Really?

The Adweek overview reads like an online advertising remedial course:
The polling ad is part of Facebook's second effort to integrate advertisers into the fabric of the site beyond standard banner units. Engagement ads look to mimic already popular activities on the site, like "fanning," sending virtual gifts and RSVPing to events. When a user takes an action with an ad, such as voting for which team will win the Super Bowl, Facebook sends notification of this to the user's friend network in their news feeds. Like those, the polling ad is priced based on impressions.

Hey! It is even Viral!

Eyeblaster and Pointroll launched the same ad unit 5 years ago.

I mean I get it. Advertising revenue is drying up and Facebook needs to prove it can make money. But anyone solving their social media strategy with regurgitated rich media banners will be disappointed in 3 months when the results PPT is delivered. Especially when consumer profile pages get flooded with random branded polls.

Although I'm sure the inevitable Cutest Puppy of the Day poll will be a huge hit.

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